The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a level of 40 parts per million (ppm) of lead as the maximum that should be allowed in children's products. The federal recall standard used for lead paint is 600 ppm! Very high levels of lead were found in a number of products. Recent testing by Healthy Toys detected more than 6,700 ppm in animal figurines, 3,056 ppm in a Hannah Montana Pop Star Card Game pack, and 1,700 ppm lead in baby shoes.
Arsenic, Cadminum, and Mercury: Has also been found in a number of products! These 3 chemicals have been found at levels greater than 100 ppm. The toy industry has established a voluntary migration standard for the amount of arsenic that can migrate from toys of 25 ppm.
Results of some recently tested toys that contain high chemical levels.
Detailed results can be found at Healthy Toys.
1. Medical Kit (Fisher Price): High lead (3,410 ppm); High arsenic (293); med chlorine/PVC

2. Hannah Montana Pop Star Card Game (Disney): High Lead (3,056); High arsenic (250); med chlorine/PVC

3. Kids Slippers: Royal Designs (sizes 3-4) (Max Grey): High Lead (1,363); High arsenic (132); med chlorine/PVC

4. Squeeze Fish (3) (Babyking): High Cadmium (184)

5. My Little Sunshine Mirror (Sassy): High arsenic (859) - especially pink cheeks and yellow fabric

6. My Pasture Play Set (all animals), (Dollar Store): High Lead (6,733); High arsenic (204); med chlorine/PVC

7. Kids Boots: Boot Style 443449; Item 1682 (Circo); on yellow vinyl & blue trim: High Lead (1,687); Med arsenic (204); med chlorine/PVC

8. Infant Shoes (Target) Style 443559 (Circo): High Lead (5,197 white sole); med chlorine/PVC

9. Bath Float Toys (Babyking): High Cadmium (429); med lead; low chlorine/PVC

1 comment:
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